Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Great job!! Congratulations!!


1x Ultima's Leg -> Mrpinkfloyd
1x Ultima's Claw -> Orcishwarchief

Sunday, October 26, 2008

SCNM - The Blood-bathed Crown

Good job! Good strategy MH! n_n
Obaseki got

Iyukohtsehn got

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Kirin x2


2x Wyrmal Abjuration: Legs -> Padraviant, Kamii
1x Dryadic Abjuration: Body -> Darvis

Good job! Everyone!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Central Temenos 3rd Floor

Nice job!!

Benedict Silk
Silver Chip

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dynamis-Bastok Clear


2x PLD
1x THF
2x BLM
1x RDM
3x MNK

Congratulations to everyone! Good job! Thanks for joining!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Beadeaux (S) Fun & Excitement!!!

I dont know about you but i really had fun in this event.
Kind of made me feel i understand the meaning of the game! Exploring and getting to know new areas. We learned dangerous ways, we died, we fight and we WON!!

Ga'Lhu Nevermolt
Blifnix Oilycheeks
Ra'Dha Scarscute
Va'Gho Bloodbasked
Observant Zekka


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

GM Chuck Adventures

Monday, October 20, 2008

Dynamis-San D'Oria Clear


1x BLU
1x WAR

Saturday, October 18, 2008

La Vaule (S) FUN!

NMs: (All drop strongbox)

1 for Shunka
All-Seeing Onyx Eye

Feeblescheme Bhogbigg
1 forMalevolous
A total of 10 Diferent NMs killed today. Thank you for your patience and good job!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dynamis-Jeuno CLEAR

Good Job Everyone!

1x Warrior's Mufflers
1x Sorcerer's Sabots
1x Saotome Sune-Ate
1x Melee Gloves
1x Commodore Gants
1x Koga Kyahan
2x Abyss Flanchard

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sea Farm

Monday, October 13, 2008


(Ugly pic i know but my good PC still on repair >_>)


2x Sorcerer's Tonban
2x Mirage Shalwar
1x Summoner's Bracers
1x Saotome Kote
1x Abyss Sollerets
1x Assassin's Vest

Good job! thanks for coming everyone who joined.

First Entry

Friday, October 10, 2008


(sorry didnt took pics because i was in a really ugly PC.)
Very good job everyone CONGRATULATIONS!!

1x Omega's Heart > Malevolous
2x Omega's Foreleg > Komodo, Magichammer.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Dynamis-Beaucedine Farm

Good job everyone and the people who joined us! Congratulations!


1x BLU 1x BLM2x SMN1x MNK

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Fun & Excitement in La Vaule [S]

Is a DRK NM, fun to kill droped only Maple Strongbox this time.
Falsespinner Bhudbrodd
This one was a bit slow killing because of only pet kill but we succeded and it was fun.
By the way it does a Charmga move. Here below Ennhu charmed trying to kill the Judda :p good he was wearing a staff lol.
Draketrader Zlodgodd
We killed a total of 7 NMs from this area today. We will schedule next SCNM. Good job.


Congratulations Komodo on your N. Body.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Dynamis-Windurst CLEAR

Sorry I dont have pictures this time but here are the drops!

1xWHM Cleric's Duckbills
1xSAM Saotome Haidate
1xWAR Warrior's Mask
1xPUP Pantin Dastanas

See you next Dynamis!

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