Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Pixie-type mobs often cure you and even raise you when you fall in battle. Killing Pixie-type mobs causes their population to decrease as well as making them stop helping adventurers. Whether or not a pixie will pop is determined by how safe they feel, a measure relating the times they were killed to the times they could "live safely." This can even go as far as to keep pixies from spawning at all in any zone. Trading a Bottled Pixie to the Fay Spring will help to build up their population over time. That said, trading Bottled Pixies has no effect on individual adventurers, but influences the entire server's status with the Pixie race.
  • Obtain a Bottled Pixie. They have been confirmed to drop from certain Goblins, Quadavs, Orcs, and Yagudos.
  • Head into Grauberg (S).
  • Travel to Witchfire Glen (F-6).
  • Trade the Bottled Pixie to the "Fay Spring" at the base of the waterfall to release the pixie.
  • You'll see the text "You release the bottled pixie!".
  • The Pixies will become slightly more inclined toward showing themselves and helping adventurers.



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